A New Dude has step in the Door!

Hey there mate! This is Locksley speaking and I'm one of the new dudes the new dude who agrees into helping this blog out! My job here is to introduce many gadgets gizmos and stuff. Also, I will be doing reviews based on what I have, what people gave me to research or what people suggest for. Reviews that I might do for are Games (Original not pirateds), Software, Computer Accessories, Computer Hardware and anything that I'm willing to review on.

So what about me? I'm just an ordinary student who wants to achieve his dreams, into becoming a better person and a good nice balanced life in the future. To aid me in my days, I learn computer stuff. Usually after school, I'd go for a part-time job as a computer technician. Don't worry, I still study when there aren't any work at the technician center. In the holidays, I work full time to get full money. Sorry to say, eventhough money isn't eveything, money is still a way to live. No money = Trouble ahead!

To keep my intro short, I have other stuff to manage as well. So I'm not the type who is a free-time killer. I need to plan my plans carefully and hopefully not waste it. If anyone one of you suggest a review I should write on.

Now, I need to get back to TF2 because there is no work for now :P
Christmas is coming, I suggest you go out and buy presents for your loved ones!
This is Locksley, signing off now.


  This is the 2nd blog after the first one, (Great Computer Tips In 1.2.3. Steps). From here on, there will be a new member in this blog. His name? Better yet he describes it himself. He'll be the one doing all the reviews (I'm just managing the blog). His reviews are almost detailed with his own personal style (trust me, I've seen his site). So, from here I wish this blog will turn out to be a great one too like I wished in the other blog (*Sniff*). Good Luck & God Speed.